NERD ALERT! Science Channel announces new series I F-ing Love Science

This is…this is a weird story. First of all, apparently there’s such a thing as the Science Channel, and furthermore, according to Deadline, they announced at SXSW that the channel will be producing I F-ing Love Science, produced by self-professed science enthusiast (?) Craig Ferguson, and based on the ubiquitous Facebook page “I Fucking Love Science,” founded three years ago by a British student named Elise Andrew.

I have a couple problems with this, and the blatant piggybacking off of the relaunch of Cosmos isn’t even the biggest one. First, does the Science Channel really think that the 11 million people who “like” the IFLS page fucking love science enough to subscsribe to a whole new channel just to see more of it? You can’t tell what people actually like by what they like on Facebook. Even if you love science in real life, when you’re on Facebook you like the same thing everyone else does: memes and random facts. Here is a fantastic article that argues this point better than I ever could.

Second, did you learn nothing from S#^! My Dad Says?

As boneheaded as I think this idea is, at least I get a chance to post this:


Glad I got that out of my system.

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