Neil Blomkamp to helm next Alien film


It looks as if those Instagram photos for a possible next Alien film from director Neil Blomkamp have born fruit. And what better way to make the announcement that his is officially working on the next Alien film than by once again posting to Instagram:

“Um… So I think it’s officially my next film. #alien”

Um… So I think it’s officially my next film. #alien

A photo posted by Brownsnout (@neillblomkamp) on

TheWrap has reported on the film stating that the director has signed on to direct a movie set in the Alien universe and that this new film will not be Prometheus.

The site is claiming (unverified as of this writing) that this new Alien film will take place some time after Prometheus 2. They also note that director Ridley Scott will serve as producer on both films.

While we don’t have any information on story as things are only just falling into place, Blomkamp has stated before and shown in the Instagram photos that his wants Sigourney Weaver’s Ripley character to play some soft of role in the film.

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