Need More Space On Your iPhone? Just Try & Rent Lord of the Rings!

iPhone space trick

I had to check my calendar just to make sure this isn’t some sort of April Fools joke, but it seems to be legit. A thread on Reddit is calming that there is a simple trick to free up a lot of space on that full iPhone that’s in your pocket. All that it takes is to simply rent Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.

Many have already confirmed that this does indeed seem to be the case, although I can’t test this as everyone here is an Android user. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers is a massive 6.83 gigs, but if you try and rent the title you can earn yourself a massive boost in space.

This trick works with other titles, as long as what you are trying to rent is of a size larger than the space you currently have available on your iPhone. But the weird thing is that no one can figure out what is being cleared to give users this sizable boost in storage space. Best guess is that trying to rent a film forces iOS to clear your cache.

Apple has yet to respond to requests on just what the devil is going on.

Via: (Reddit)

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