India’s $4 Freedom 251 smartphone is a scam

Freedom 251

We wrote about the Freedom 251 smartphone a few days ago on the site. Even at the time of writing we said it seemed too good to be sure thanks to a number of issues. It looks like our fears have been confirmed thanks in part to India MP Kirit Somaiya. The MP said that he looked into the issues behind the freedom 251 and found that the entire company was running a scam.

“This is a huge scam, that is why I went through all the papers of the company. The government has informed Uttar Pradesh government to check the bonafide of the promoter. This is a Ponzi bogus company scam.”[Indian Express]

The company behind the phone stopped taking orders for the phone shortly after our original article (and others) hit the web. Since that time other journalists and tech reviewers from the region have come out hard against the phone and the company. It would seem that the Freedom 251 was only conceived to take advantage of Nardendra Modi’s “Make in India” campaign, all the while being a Chinese knockoff with the original phones name simply whited out!

Gadgets 360 did an overview of the Freedom 251, but they never took the time to scratch off the poorly whited out name of whatever phone it really was. Guys, it wasn’t even a good white-out job to begin with. But what can you expect for a $4 smartphone slap-job.

Via: (BoingBoing)

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