NBA Player Meyers Leonard Gets Suspension, Loses Sponsorship For Anti-Semitic Slur

Meyers Leonard
Meyers Leonard
Sarah Stier/Getty

And to think all of this could’ve been avoided if he’d just called them a chuwero.

Meyers Leonard has been suspended indefinitely from the Miami Heat, and he’s also lost several sponsorships.

This all relates to a stream of Leonard’s a few days back. He was playing Call of Duty: Warzone, and got frustrated with the amount of snipers he was encountering. And at that point he called said sniper a “kike bitch”. Obviously, he didn’t keep a clip of this moment, but the internet never forgets, and the internet never forgives. Especially when a gamer word is involved. Just ask Pewdiepie.

Leonard later apologized, stating that he had no idea what the word meant beforehand, but by that point, the damage was done. ORIGIN PC had dropped their sponsorship with him, as well as SCUF (both companies are owned by Corsair, for the record).

While he was not a member, he was associated with FaZe Clan, as well. They’ve since decided to cut ties with him.

To really compound things, though? As stated, he’s on indefinite leave from the Miami Heat. Coincidentally, the team is owned by Israeli-American businessman Micky Arison, so, uh, not really a surprise his fate hangsin the balance right now.

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Source: Kotaku

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