Myst Creators Come Under Fire For Use Of ‘AI Assisted Content’ In New Game


It’s really not that bad, get over it.

If you’re a fan of Myst, you might know that the creators are working on a brand new game, Firmament. Cyan Worlds even set up a Kickstarter for the game, which due to setbacks, launched last month. And something in the credits for the game set off a backlash:

AI Assisted Content

Journals, logs,checklists, newspapers, storiessongs, poems, letters,
loosely scattered papers; all backer portraits; all founders portraits;
the “sunset” paintings; the art-nouveau wallpaper in the Swan
dormitory hallways; propaganda banners; coastal spill decal kit;
all voiced mentor, announcer, founder, and other speeches;
backer-exclusive content

Quite the exhaustive list. And more than a few of their backers were upset to see it; Myst as a series had a reputation for the amount of effort put into exactly these sorts of things.

For their part in it, Cyan Worlds emphasized the “assisted” part of that credit. They specifically note that none of this material was simply plopped down from the AI into the game, and as a matter of fact was part of the iterative process. They state that AI was used to “ideate and experiment”, not create wholesale.

Cyan Worlds

A number of backers have taken to the comments to defend the company; some doing quite well, others… less so. On the other hand, there are a number of comments on that Twitter post that are decidedly in opposition. It may be a while until Cyan is out of hot water on this one.

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Source: PC Gamer

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