‘Mutant Football League’ Kickstarts Game Finishing Drive

New Kickstarter campaign to fund final Online Multiplayer mode development and completion of game

Digital Dreams Entertainment has launched a new crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to complete development of Mutant Football League, the spiritual successor to the classic Sega Genesis sports-hybrid game, Mutant League Football, a game I still go back to quite a bit. The crowdfunding goal of $60,000 will be used to complete MFL’s Online Multiplayer mode and for final game development and tuning.

Contributions to the Mutant Football League Kickstarter can begin as low as $1.00 for access to their current pre-alpha build ranging upward to exclusive collectibles like cards, posters, player statues and even personalized in-game elements like naming a player, designing a play, or owning a team within the game’s league.

Further information about the MFL Kickstarter campaign is available at: Mutant Football League Kickstarter Page

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