MoviePass Now Limits You to 3 Movies a Month


Not to be fatalistic, but…

Hey, you ever get that sensation of deja vu? The feeling that you’ve already done something before? Well, that’s how MoviePass is making me feel.

Because according to variety, they’re going to keep the subscription price at $9.95 a month. But you’ll only be able to see 3 movies a month, though those movies are not, apparently, limited. You’ll also get a $5 discount on additional ticket purchases.

We discovered over several months of research that our customers value a low monthly price above nearly everything else, so we came together to create a plan that delivers what most of our loyal MoviePass fans want, and one that, we believe, will also help to stabilize our business model.

– MoviePass CEO Mitch Lowe

This change won’t affect annual passholders until their renew date. Contradictory to their previous stance, MoviePass states that the new plan will “include many major studio first run films.” As to whether that means you still have to wait 2 weeks to see a major blockbuster, though, is anyone’s guess. This does seem to be MoviePass attempting to tread water, so who knows whether they’ll make it to the island of success?

Source: IGN

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