MoviePass App Casts Necromancy Most Foul on Cancelled Accounts

Wise from your glave!

MoviePass keeps digging that grave deeper and deeper. Newest to the party: checking the app after cancelling your account reactivates it.

According to Vox, the issue occurs when customers who already canceled their subscription go into the app to check either on a movie they plan to see, or on the state of their cancellation.

A screen shwing “Updates to your MoviePass Plan” shows up, detailing the following ticket terms: no ticket verification, no peak pricing and more first-run movies (limited to just three per month).

Users are asked to accept, and if they do, the app interprets that as the user consenting to a reinstatement of their account. There is an “X” at the top allowing you to bypass the screen, but most didn’t think anything of it.

in a way, this is one of the sketchiest things MoviePass has done, and you can’t even tell whether it’s deliberate or careless. Either way, expect things to go thermonuclear if it actually starts billing these users again. Thanks to our Editor in Chief, we’ll know how mad to be tomorrow. Just remember: you’ll never get off of Mr. Bone’s Wild Ride.


Source: Engadget

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