Mortal Kombat X Trailer Reveals Kung Lao & Kitana Back In Action

Mortal Kombat X Kitana

Mortal Kombat X is shaping up to be the first “true” must have title of this new console generation. 2015 is really looking to be the year that you’ll finally be able to justify the purchase of a PS4 or Xbox one. Below you’ll find the newest trailer for Mortal Kombat X that shows two classic series staples coming back for another round.

In the trailer we get to see Kung Lao (who I thought was dead, but when did that ever stop anyone in MK) as he is addressed by Raiden, as well as the princess, Kitana, sporting a much less cheesecake like outfit while still looking fantastic. Check it all out for yourself below and let us know who you’d like to see be revealed next.

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