Mortal Kombat 1’s Switch Port Gets Dunked On For Its Visuals

Mortal Kombat 1

Where we’re going, we don’t need eyelids.

Mortal Kombat 1 hits the Switch tomorrow. And, if you want to test your might with what is likely going to be the worst version of the game, more power to you. But most people are currently mocking it for how, just, bad these models look.

Why does Switch Johnny Cage look like a sweaty and confused Pro Jared? I don’t have any answers for you.

Mortal Kombat 1
From: WB Games
Mortal Kombat 1
WB Games

They all have special eyes. And skin like wax fruit.

Let’s be honest, the Switch version of any multiplatform AAA game is always going to look worse than the more contemporary versions. This was still a shock to some, though, and it’s not really all that surprising. We’re several years off from the technical marvel that was the Switch version of The Witcher 3. But that was an example of something that had a fair amount of love and care put into it. And as the last few years of Switch ports have shown, it’s the exception rather than the rule. For most companies, a Switch version is just a way to tap into the considerable install base of the system.

It’s also worth remembering that all versions of Mortal Kombat 1 are a full $70. I’d, uh, recommend any version but the Switch version.

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Source: IGN

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