Monster Hunter XX Will Be on Nintendo Switch; Will Have Cross-play

I like my Monster Hunter. Generations (Monster Hunter X[Cross] in Japan) was a damn good installment, improving the experience in a number of ways. And also kind of breaking it, but we won’t talk about that. So I was happy to learn the followup was on the way: Monster Hunter XX.

Well, Monster Hunter XX isn’t going to solely be on the 3DS. It will be the First Monster Hunter game on the Nintendo Switch. But that’s not all; in a move similar to Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, it’s going to have crossplay between the two versions. And save transfer, also as with 3U.

Monster Hunter XX

Sadly, both versions are still only announced for Japan; there’s no news on a US release. But considering that Capcom has been trying to push the series outside of Japan since Tri, Monster Hunter XX may just be on the horizon. While the series is hugely popular in Japan, Capcom has sought to expand that popularity, after all.

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