Monster Hunter: World’s Weapon Showcase Series

Monster Hunter: World s&s

Probably still won’t stop newbies from trying to play it like a hack-and-slash.

I was pretty happy to sucker both George and Miles into Monster Hunter: World’s E3 presentation. Especially since the Playstation Now app was balls. But one of the things that’s important to Monster Hunter are the weapons, and there was only a little talk of how they were changing things up this time ’round. Well, Capcom has provided us with a series of videos for all 14 weapon types in the game. No Tonfas, though; they break things too much, super OP.

Other than continuing to lie about Sword & Shield being beginner friendly (seriously, it requires a lot of knowledge of openings to use properly, fakes you into hack-and-slash mindset), they’re pretty on the nose. And short. I suppose that’s good, though, considering that, in addition to letting you group hunt on the fly, Monster Hunter: World will also let you switch weapons mid-quest. Sadly, Prowler won’t be making it into the game, but that’s alright. Gaijin Hunter gave a pretty good breakdown if you have 20 minutes to spare, by the way. He always has some good analysis.

~Gotcha Bitch!~

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