Monster Hunter: World X The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Collaboration Announced

Monter Hunter: World

I wonder if he’ll have the potions…

It seems Geralt of Rivia has landed in just his kind of place. Because it has been announced that Monster Hunter: World is going to have a collaboration with The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

Geralt will be added to the game as a playable character. Whats more, Capcom promises a series of unique quests that blend the RPG mechanics of the Witcher series with Monster Hunter‘s existing mechanics. As to what the end result will be is anyone’s guess, but Geralt will retain his signature magic signs and fighting style.

If I were to guess, it’ll probably work out somewhat similarly to Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker‘s Monster Hunter quests:

The Collaboration launches as free DLC for PS4 and Xbox One in early 2019. PC players will, naturally, have to wait a bit longer.

Source: VG 24/7

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