The Monster Hunter: World beta kicks off tomorrow

Starting tomorrow, PlayStation Plus users from around the world can join up with other hunters online or take on the beasts alone in the exclusive beta for Monster Hunter: World.

The beta is available for pre-load now and quests will start on Saturday December 9th running through December 12th. For a deeper look on what to expect from the beta this weekend hunters can equip themselves with the brand new video that they sent over (see above).

Hunters participating in the beta can tackle three monsters across three different quests and visit two environments from the upcoming title release. In the Ancient Forest you can hunt the Great Jagras, a scavenger capable of swallowing other monsters whole, or the Anjanath, both of which roam the dense and complex eco-system within the environment.

For those feeling brave enough they can adventure to the land of the Wildspire Waste where the armored Barroth can be found lurking in the muddy waters, waiting to unleash its charge attack on hunters.

Each quest can be played alone in single player or with a group of up to three other hunters online. You can choose from 14 different weapon types based on your preferred play style, which you can change any time during quests at the camp. If you want to try any weapons out before heading off on your quest then visit the training room.

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