Monster Hunter World Beta is Coming

Also, PS4 exclusive DLC.

If you’ve got Playstation Plus, you can play the beta for Monster Hunter World. Playstation Plus owners will be able to play the beta demo on December 9th through the 12th. From the press release:

Available starting 9th December, players from around the world can experience three fearsome quests as they join up with other hunters online or take on the beasts alone in the exclusive beta for PlayStation Plus  users. Running for three days, hunters participating in the beta can tackle the hungry Great Jagras, a scavenger capable of swallowing other monsters whole, or the fiery and territorial Anjanath, both of which roam the dense and complex eco-system within the Ancient Forest. For those feeling brave enough they can adventure to the desert land of the Wildspire Waste where the armored Barroth can be found lurking in the muddy waters, waiting to unleash its devastating charge attack.

And that’s not all. Capcom has revealed that there will be Horizon Zero Dawn DLC for the PS4 version of the game. Players will be able to get a bow and armor set based off of Aloy’s equipment from the game. You can also get Horizon Zero Dawn themed Palico armor. And all this in addition to a new trailer showing off the new Rotten Vale location.

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Monster Hunter World launches on PS4 and Xbox One January 28, 2018.

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