Monster Hunter Generations E3 impressions

I got my greedy little mitts on the demo for the upcoming Monster Hunter Generations at E3 recently. I was unfortunately saddled with two players (one of whom shall remain nameless) who were not so experienced with the series.

Yes, we got wiped out by the intermediate mission, but at least I got to take a Greatsword-sized chunk out of Nargacuga before the multiple other player deaths ended things.

I didn’t exactly get the chance to play around with any of the new hunting styles (though I may try for another go on the final day of the show) but I can say the game runs just as well as the previous 3DS entries, perhaps even better.

The networking never stuttered, so there wasn’t even that to blame for our loss. Also, the new Brute Wyvern shown in the trailers is no joke; one of the booth attendants told me that he had only seen one team that had managed to take it on successfully throughout the entire show up to that point.

Not surprising; most people are intimidated by Deviljho the first time they fight him, one noob can end things unilaterally, and this guy has fire breath and the ability to heat his tail up and one-shot people.

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As always with these games, I’m definitely picking it up when it comes out June 15th.

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