Mobile Developer Gumi Gets Hacked


Scuttled their games for nearly a day.

Gumi, the company behind games such as Brave Frontier and Final Fantasy Brave Exvius was hacked yesterday. Hackers took control of their site, and left the following messages:

Gumi Gumi

As far as Final Fantasy Brave Exvius was concerned, the hackers distributed 5000 Lapis (the premium currency that allows for rare pulls from the gacha) to everyone logged in at the time. For reference, if you wanted to buy that amount of Lapis, it would cost you somewhere between $40-$50 in the U.S.

You might expect that Gumi wouldn’t let that last bit slide, and surprisingly, you’d be wrong. Not only are they letting those who got that windfall keep it, they’re also dispensing compensation to all users for the long and unexpected maintenance time this attack triggered.

The compensation is fairly hefty, compared to what has usually been doled out in the past for (admittedly lesser) issues. So here’s hoping Gumi shores up their defenses against this sort of thing in the future. Or vice versa, as the case may be for players.

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