Mirage: Arcane Warfare will be Temporarily Free


Pick it up quick.

You read that right. Mirage: Arcane Warfare, the followup to Torn Banner Studios’ Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, is going to be free for a day. And what’s more, after the free period ends, the game will drop to a permanent $10 price tag.

Tomorrow, September 6th, from 10 am Pacific, the game will be free on Steam for the next 24 hours. And if you pick it up during this time, it’s yours to keep.

The decision was made to do such a promotion for Mirage: Arcane Warfare due to the game’s low number of players. Thus, in an attempt to jump start the playerbase, Torn Banner Studios decided that a free day and price cut would score them the bodies they needed. And, while deciding to do so can be discouraging, hopefully it gets people to admire the game for its high points.

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