Microsoft To Shut Down Xbox 360 Store In 2024

Xbox 360

There goes the best way to play Red Dead Redemption without paying a premium for it.

Well, all things must come to pass. So, too, will the Xbox 360 store. In yet another blow to games preservation, Microsoft has confirmed that they will be shutting down the Xbox 360 store on July 29th, 2024.

And, unfortunately for Jirard, there are many games that were delisted from the store long ago. So even if he does as he did for the Wii U and 3DS, it definitely won’t be everything. And also his wallet will be screaming.

The news of the shutdown comes from Xbox Wire. According to the post, on that date, you will no longer be able to “purchase new games, DLC, and other entertainment content from the Xbox 360 Store on the console and the Xbox 360 Marketplace”. This also affects the Microsoft Movies & TV app, which will no longer play movies and TV after July 29th, 2024.

According to Microsoft, this will not affect your ability to play your purchased games and DLC, on Xbox 360 (whether it was a digital download or via disc), or on Xbox One or Series X|S via backwards compatibility. And for the latter consoles, backwards compatible games will still be purchasable through their respective stores. That said, those games aren’t the full library of any retro Xbox console they represent (mostly due to licensing). You will also be able to re-download games you’ve previously purchased.

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Still, it’s a pretty big loss for those that still use the console. There are a large number of games that never got backwards compatibility, and probably never will. The only hope for all of those games and DLC is that the preservationist-types go into overdrive with the less-than-a-year they have left.

Source: Windows Central

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