Microsoft Releases Official ‘Undelete’ Tool For Windows 10

Microsoft finally addresses a problem users have complained about for for what feels like generations

We’ve all been there before. We are working and grooving on our Windows machine when we accidentally delete a file. Maybe you tossed a group of files or images in the trash while cleaning up only to remember you actually wanted to save, or need to keep said file.

Most users know that deleting a file isn’t usually the end because of how computers work, but recovering a file can be a real pain. It would almost always require you to use a third-part program which normally cost an arm and a leg, or send your hard drive into a company for hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

Neither is really an option for most people, especially when we are only looking to recover a file or two. Microsoft finally feels your pain and has released the new Windows File Recovery Tool for those running Windows 10.

The program is a command-line program so you are going to have to do a little typing like the good old days of DOS, but it’s sure to be a lifesaver when you delete that paper, picture, or folder full of ladybugs wearing hats.

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