Microsoft Accidentally Tips Hand In Return To Steam Via Screenshot


Accidentally a screenshot.

It seems to be official. Microsoft is working towards Steam integration with Xbox once again.

As spotted by The Verge, Microsoft accidentally tipped their hand in a blog post made for GDC 2025. Originally, it had an image that featured their interface, and right next to the Game Pass tab was a tab for Steam. Oopsy poopsy. While the image, which featured a (difficult to read) watermark that said “Classified as Microsoft Highly Confidential”, was taken down, this is the internet and you’re not getting the genie back in the bottle that easily.


According to that same article on The Verge, “sources familiar with Microsoft’s plans tell me that the company is currently working on an Xbox app update that will show every game you have installed on your PC”. This also happens to include games from Steam and Epic Games Store (no word on GoG), which will be labelled by the app accordingly.

There’s no real say on what this integration will mean for the end user just yet, though. Neither the blog post nor The Verge’s article reveal that info. Though the latter does note that Phil Spencer has hinted that game stores like Epic Games and could come to Xbox consoles in the future, so this may be a step in that direction. It does track with their alleged future hardware plans; if your Xbox is also technically a Windows PC, Steam and Epic Games Store are just a hop, skip, and a jump away from being on your console.

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Source: PC Gamer

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