Michael Fassbender Will be in Feature-Length Kung Fury Sequel

Kung Fury

“Fuck! That’s a laser raptor. I thought they went extinct thousands of years ago.”

If you haven’t sat down and watched Kung Fury, you really should. It pretty much takes everything rad about the 80’s, injects it with insanity, flying kicks it in the face, then travels back in time to do it all over again. It is, most definitely, one of the most enjoyable ways to spend half an hour.

Well, it was successful enough that LaserUnicorns is making a feature-length sequel. And they’ve been able to get Michael Fassbender in on it. He’s not exactly known for comedic roles, but I’d imagine he’s more than game. As to what role he’ll be playing, no one knows. But he’ll be acting alongside David Sandberg (Kung Fury himself), who will also be producing the film

Also returning: David Hasselhoff, who voiced “Hoff 9000” in the original. And made a pretty rad song for the first movie. Which seems to be turning into a thing for him. Admit it; both you, and Reinhardt, loved it.

Source: Nerdist

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