Metal Gear Online 2 Rises From The Ashes On PC Thanks To Fans

…but I’m dummy thicc and the clap of my ass cheeks keep alerting other players.

It’s not every day you see a once-dead game be brought back to life. But thanks to the efforts of fans, that’s exactly what is happening with Metal Gear Online 2. Back when it launched in 2008, it was fairly ahead of its time, featuring things like a server browser, in-game currency for cosmetics, and a combination of dedicated and player-hosted servers; few games, if any, really had all of that going on. But time is the fire in which we burn, and the same was true for Metal Gear Online 2. Konami took down services for the game in 2012, to the lament of fans all over.

But thanks to those same fans, and a custom build of RPCS3 specifically for the game, MGO2 is returning, this time in PC form.

Granted, you’re not really going to be able to roll up on this with your standard office computer. RPCS3 is a fairly demanding emulator to begin with, and the version they’re using to run the game is little different. Per their site:

Playstation 3 emulation is very CPU intensive and works best on desktops with 8 cores and 16 threads. That being said you can get playable framerates on weaker CPUs. The best value for performance you will likely get is with the Ryzen 3600 which generally costs about $199. However, if you are using a laptop we recommend one equipped with an 8-core/16-thread 35W+ H-series CPU such as an Intel Core i7-10870H or an AMD Ryzen 7 5800H.

That having been said, they’ve been able to bring the game back in full. This includes the in-game stat tracking and all of the cosmetics (included from the start because we’re all good little boys and girls). They’ve even enabled crossplay between PC and the PS3. As a matter of fact, the PS3 version’s been back for a while thanks to a like-minded group and custom firmware. But the PC version, if you can run it, offers some obvious benefits; namely in the display category; resolution and framerate.

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Regardless, the playerbase is small but growing. If you want in on the action, new copies of Metal Gear Solid 4 really aren’t all that expensive, mostly due to the fact that MSG4 isn’t quite as well regarded as its predecessors, and the online component had been dead for years.

Source: PC Gamer

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