Mei, Symmetra and Zenyatta Skins Leaked for Overwatch Halloween Event


Oh, man, I’m never going to get all of these.

Well, we already knew this Halloween event would see new skins for McCree and Reaper. But the Overwatch Team really upped the ante for these.

A group of Redditors managed to uncover leaked images of some of the new Halloween skins this year. Specifically, those for Mei, Symmetra, and Zenyatta.

Mei as a Jiang Shi. Want. Blizzard
Zenyatta looking much like Cthulu.Or, if you’d prefer, an Illithid. Blizzard
Symmetra as some sort of dragon/demon thing? It’s hard to tell. Blizzard

This mei or mei not be all of the skins available this year. But one thing’s certain; I’m gonna be gunning for those Mei and Zenyatta skins. Thankfully, Overwatch’s Halloween Terror event is going to run from October 10 (allegedly) to November 2. So We’ll have at least a fair number of opportunities to grab them.

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