Master x Master enters the crowded MOBA genre with a few new tricks

NCSoft is a big publisher in the MMO world with titles like Lineage II and the amazing Guild Wars series. But one big MMO that they are also known for that was really ahead of its time was City of Heroes.

That game is long dead, but its main hero returns for the new MOBA, Master x Master and is the one reason it grabbed my attention. But the game is much more than a single character as it also pulls heroes from other NCSoft games. You can think of it a little like what Blizzard did with Heroes of the Storm.

But the game plays a little bit differently than your traditional MOBA. Instead of clicking like a person on too much speed to travel across the map, the game uses a traditional W,A,S,D, setup on the keyboard. We don’t know why this is the case, but I assume its to make it easier to port to consoles in  the future.

On top of the movement controls you also are always playing two characters, hence the title of the game. You pick two “Master” and can flip between them on the fly during gameplay. This seems like it could really open up the strategy element of the traditional MOBA, but also feels like a lot of work.

The game is live so you can get in on the action and see if the game is for you. We are jumping into the fray throughout the day and will have our initial review up this weekend.

You can download Master x Master here:

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