Mass Effect New Earth ride opens at California’s Great America

Mass Effect has gone into the larger mainstream by being turned into a theme-park ride at California’s Great America. As a California native it’s weird to me, living in the land of theme-parks, to have no idea what California’s Great America was until now.

Mass Effect: New Earth is a “4D” experience, so I hope you weren’t expecting to ride a roller-coaster or recreate the intro to Mass Effect 2. Still, if you like Star Tours, or the long since shuttered Star Trek The Experience rides, then you’ll feel right at home here.

Since this is a 4D experience the ride includes live actor in full Mass Effect garb talking to you about stuff. After that you pop on your 3D glasses and get to being flung around through space with your buddies.

The ride features characters from the games and their respective voice actors.

Check out some photos of the ride below from CaliforniaCoasterKings:

Mass Effect New Earth


Mass Effect New Earth



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