Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite – Incoming Chun-Li Remodel

Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite Chun-Li

They’re keeping her iconic turkey legs, though.

Chances are, if you’ve been following Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite, you’ve noticed that the models look a bit… off. Specifically, Chun-Li‘s; her face doesn’t look like it really should. It looks like a mutant cosplayer pretending to be Chun-Li, rather than Chun-Li. And, uh, that face doesn’t get better from other angles.

Jeebuz! She flat out doesn’t look right! Marvel, Capcom

There are a number of hypotheses floating around as to why non of the models look as good as they should. One posits that they’re using their mobile game models; reusing assets like that is not exactly unheard of for Capcom (seriously, it took a move to 3D for Morrigan to get a new sprite). Regardless, Capcom’s heard your pleas, and they’re going to fix it.

The development team is hard at work finishing the game for the September 19 release date, and based off the feedback we heard, we are currently making improvements to Chun-Li as well as other Capcom characters. Since the work is still in progress, we don’t have anything final to show you just yet, but stay tuned. -Yoshinori Ono

Comic-Con also saw the announcement of several more characters for the game. Nemesis, Mike Haggar, Spider-Man, and Frank West (he’s covered wars, you know) are all joining the roster. Let’s just hope that they look like themselves.

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