Marvel Movie In Development At Sony Rumored To Center On Madame Web


A suspicious choice, that.

Even though COVID-19 has everything shut down, that doesn’t mean that decisions in the movie biz aren’t being made. In this case, Sony has made a decision for one of their future Marvel projects. In this case, they’ve hired on S.J. Clarkson (Jessica Jones, The Defenders) to direct one of these future projects (per Variety).

Though details are hush, they have stated that Clarkson would be helming Sonys first female-focused project in their end of the Marvel universe. This, in turn, led many to speculate that this would somehow involve the shelved Madame Web spinoff announced a year back. Which is an odd choice, to say the least; while she is a telepathic precog mutant, she’s also an octogenarian who is permanently hooked up to a massive array of life-support machines.

So, it’s reasonable to suspect that, while Madame Web may be in the project, there are a large number of possibilities for the slightly-more-capable-of-leaving-a-room-under-their-own-power character any such action movie would kind of need. And since Spidey has a massive supporting cast including Madame Web, they can actually have the wiggle room to throw us a curveball. One of the Spider-Women, Spider Gwen, hell, we’re not even constrained to “Spider-X” characters.

Still, it’ll be a ways off, no matter what happens. After all, both Sony’s Morbius and Venom 2 have been pushed back due to the pandemic. So I guess we’ll see… eventually.

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Source: Gamespot

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