Marilyn Manson cast in Sons of Anarchy

If anyone besides Kurt Sutter were behind this, it would be crazy, but Sutter is the most batshit showrunner working today, so it makes a weird kind of sense.

Marilyn Manson has joined the cast of Sons of Anarchy for its seventh and final season, continuing the show’s streak of casting guest stars out of left field (like Joel McHale and Stephen King).

Via The AV Club:

Manson will play Ron Tully, a white supremacist in prison whom Charlie Hunnam’s lead Jax will use to expand his influence.

That actually sounds pretty good. Evidently Manson is a fan of the show and approached Sutter about a role, to which Sutter, being crazy, immediately said yes. For some reason I really like the name “Ron Tully.” It’s not easy to come up with a name that doesn’t sound like a name that a writer came up with.


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