Man creates Green Goblin style hoverboard; sets world record flying it across lake


The future is now! Canadian inventor Catalin Alexandru Duru has created his own hoverboard so powerful that he used it to set a Guinness World Record for longest flight. He flew some 1000 feet across a lake in Quebec, piloting the craft by shifting his body weight much like seen in Back to the Future 2 so many years ago.

Duru stated that, “The prototype can be used anywhere, but is usually tested over water because of how dangerously high it can fly.” No word on if we will ever see something like this on the market, but rest assured Spider-Man is watching this man very closely in case he turn to a life of crime. Our sources noted that Duru has no connection with Oscorp; a likely story. Check out the video below:

Via: (Engadget)

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