This Majora’s Mask fan film is better than any Hollywood video game adaptation

Fan Films have been around forever. Hell, I’m pretty sure I remember making a few Star Fox shorts back in the early 90’s (thank god the internet and YouTube didn’t exist). But this latest fan film based on The Legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask is downright stunning.

And by stunning I mean is better than every Hollywood adaptation of a video game combined. Majora’s Mask is a weird game as it is and this trailer gets pretty dang spooky.

The animation and VFX studio Ember Labs are the ones behind the project and we can only hope that this fan film is an unsolicited demo reel for Nintendo.

It should be noted that Nintendo is looking to get back into the television/movie space, so we can keep our fingers crossed that the company sees this project.

Oh, who am I kidding, Nintendo sees everything with their name on it. The fact that it hasn’t been pulled from the internet after the week or so it’s been up is at least a good sign!

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