Major Update for Team Fortress 2 Incoming

And it’s not going to be nigh exclusively for the Soldier

If you play Team Fortress, you’ve probably landed in the update groove. Namely, they announce changes after they drop a patch, and the player-base begins whining. Really, that’s like, every online game if I’m being honest. But this time, for Team Fortress 2, it’s different.

This time, they’re announcing changes, along with their desired effects, beforehand. And the changes, across all classes, are extensive. Nowhere is this more apparent than with the Scout: literally half of his arsenal is getting a face-lift.

That said, It wouldn’t be a Team Fortress 2 update if the Engineer wasn’t left out in the cold; his only changes revolve around the cost of using the Rescue Ranger. Though, admittedly, the Demoman currently has no planned changes… yet.

team fortress 2 update

That all said, all of this is subject to change. None of these updates are actually live; merely proposed. Still, they seem like the type of thing to give Team Fortress 2 the shot in the arm it needs in this era of Space Monkeys and Murderous Fairys.

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