Lupita Nyong’o may be taking her cosmic beauty to Star Wars: Episode VII

This makes sense, because Lupita Nyong’o is too beautiful to be from Earth, and most of her dresses look like something you’d wear to a gala on Coruscant. *wedgies self* According to The Hollywood Reporter, Lupita Nyong’o met with J.J. Abrams about a possible part in Star Wars: Episode VII, only hours before winning an Oscar for 12 Years a Slave.

Via THR:

Her stardom has closely been building throughout the awards season and in the last few weeks she found herself in the mix for the high-profile role of Tiger Lily in Warner Bros.’s Pan. She is also in the running for a role in  The Whole Truth, a courtroom drama starring Daniel Craig.

I’m way more interested in seeing her go to space. We have enough courtroom dramas already, and the part of Tiger Lily already went to the most appropriate actress imaginable.

No word yet on how Lupita’s dickhead brother will force his way into this, like he did in that selfie at the Oscars. “A photo full of celebrities? I belong there! Get in back, Oscar-winning sister who brought me here!”

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