Lunar Remastered Collection Physical Edition Will Amazon Exclusive

Lunar Remastered Collection Physical Edition

Amazon is gobbling the physical release rights to another game, this time in the form of the Lunar Remastered Collection which launches on PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC this April. The console editions of the game will be exclusive to Amazon with pre-orders opening soon.

The collection included updated and enhanced versions of Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete and Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete. Each game has a couple of new features including enhanced graphics, updated audio, and most importantly, new English localizations and voice recordings.

Some gameplay elements have been updated including battle speed adjustments to help make the game a little quicker and more in line with modern RPG speeds. These are some fantastic games and hold a special place in the hearts of retro gamers who were lucky enough to experience them at the time.

There were a lot of groundbreaking ideas that Lunar used that are taken for granted today. Silver Star Story Complete is actually the PS1 remake of the original Silver Star that released on the ill-fated Sega CD console. I can remember Lunar being the one reason to even get a Sega CD because of how much of a leap forward it was for the RPG genre.

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