Lucius Malfoy is your new captain on Star Trek Discovery

Actors Jason Isaacs (Harry Potter Series) has been officially announced as Captain Lorca, Captain of the Starship Discovery. The actor best know to fans as playing Lucius Malfoy in the Harry Potter series of films.

He joins Sonequa Martin-Green, the lead in the series. For those that aren’t aware, Star Trek: Discovery is mixing up the traditional Star Trek world by not placing the focus on the ships captain. Sure, Sisko wasn’t a captain at first in DS9, but he was still in charge.

That said, Isaacs join a pretty impressive list of actors that have taken on a captain role in the Star Trek television universe. His background also lends to the overall style and tone that the series has around its captain’s.

Most recently Isaacs starred in the Netflix series The OA and has a number of other film projects in the works. Star Trek: Discovery debuts summer 2017, unless it gets pushed back again.

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