Login Wasn’t Intended To Be Necessary For Doom Ports According To Bethesda

Guess we can blame it on ol’ Fumbles.

So, I kinda glossed over it, but there was one major flaw with the DOOM ports. Namely, that they apparently required a Bethesda.net account to even play them. This afflicted DOOM and DOOM II, specifically; DOOM 3‘s sign-in could be skipped. Which was apparently how this was intended to work by Bethesda; they weren’t supposed to be mandatory sign-ins. The sign-in was meant fr members of the Slayers Club, and was meant t be skippable similar to DOOM 3‘s.

Well, take solace in the fact that the issue should soon be remedied. And also in the memes this whole thing spawned. Because they’re glorious.

Source: NintendoLife

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