Live-Action Final Fantasy Show In The Works

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Everybody’s trying to get that Netflix Castlevania success for their video-game-to-movie/television project. So it’s not exactly a surprise that Final Fantasy is once again a ripe target for adaptation. In this case, Sony and Square Enix have announced a live-action Final Fantasy TV series. And they’ll be partnered with Hivemind (Netflix’s The Witcher) to do it.

As far as what sort of story they’ll be telling, it’ll be an original story set in Final Fantasy XIV’s Eorzea. Which is a pretty good choice; XIV is more open ended than most of the other main series game worlds, since it’s built for an MMORPG. You could easily see an original story being set in that world. It also lets them toss in things from specific games as they choose, since Eorzea has a built in explanation that can let them do just that. Hell, they had an entire boss battle against the Knights of the Round summon from FF VII. And they let you kill Argath. Again.

As for the crew, Jason Brown (The Expanse), Sean Daniel (The Mummy), and Dinesh Shamdasani (Bloodshot) will produce. Jake Thornton and Ben Lustig will serve as both lead writers and executive producers. Per The Hollywood Reporter, the series will deal with “the struggle between magic and technology in a quest to bring peace to a land of conflict.”

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Other than that, there aren’t a huge number of details. Here’s hoping they keep a tight ship on this.

Source: Prima Games

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