Lionsgate has a Borderlands movie in the works

Borderlands movie

Lionsgate is teaming with the publisher and creators of  Borderlands, and producers Avi and Ari Arad to adapt Gearbox Software’s critically-acclaimed blockbuster video game Borderlands into a feature film. We all know that  Borderlands is an action role-playing first-person shooter video game, but how they will manage to cram a 40+ hour game into a good 90 minute film is beyond me; see the “good”  in good movie that I just typed for clarification.

The Borderlands film creative team will be led by producers Avi and Ari Arad, who are responsible for some of the most successful films, including Iron Man, Spider Man, The Amazing Spider Man, X-Men, Ghost Rider and Blade.

“We believe that we’ve brought together the right partners, the ideal creative team and the perfect property to launch a new motion picture tent-pole for a global audience,” said Lionsgate Motion Picture Group Co-Chairs Rob Friedman and Patrick Wachsberger. “Part of our strategy in entering the game space under Peter Levin has been to source new brands with built-in audiences that will translate into great films and television shows.  The Borderlands games don’t pull any punches, and we’ll make the movie with the same in-your-face attitude that has made the series a blockbuster mega-franchise.”

No word on a release date for the Borderlands movie as of yet.

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So, the real question now is just who will play Handsome Jack?

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