LG’s Voice Assistant Ignores you Just Like a Real Assistant


This has led us closer to Judgement Day.

Digital assistants are the hot new thing in tech, and it just wouldn’t be a trend if everybody didn’t have one, now would it? And LG has theirs to, because of course they would, And wouldn’t you know it, it also has to do with that whole pernicious Internet of Things. Which is spectacularly insecure, but I digress.

And LG was itching to show their digital assistant robot off. Named CLOi (which is pronounced as Chloe, but let’s be honest, you read it as cloy, which is apropos) is a sickeningly cute, immobile device that’s actually more Nomad than robot. That said, much like Nomad, it seems CLOi isn’t going to take anyone’s shit.

During LG’s presentation several CLOi concept units were shown off, each with a given capability. One that shops, one that acts as a baggage porter, and one that serves food, in addition to the base unit from the beginning of the CLOi presentation. And much like the base unit after a few minutes into the showcase, none of them gave a shit about what LG’s Vice President of Marketing David VanderWaal had to ask of them.

“CLOi, what’s for dinner tonight?”, inquires David VanderWaal.


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“CLOi, are you talking to me yet, what recipes can I make with Chicken?”, asks David of the construct.

Yet again, silence.

It gets worse when he starts showing off the above mentioned concept units (yes, the chicken thing was just the base unit). He asks the serving robot for something to eat. Specifically, he hopes for breakfast. Wordlessly, it serves him a newspaper, implying he should eat the dying print media industry. Fuckin’ savage. Though that may just be the backstage poking fun.

All I have to say to LG is, I sure hope CLOi is Three Laws compliant. And also that I could easily live the rest of my life without having to type “CLOi” again.

Source: Gizmodo

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