LEGO Worlds is Lego’s stab at the Minecraft market

LEGO Worlds

Mincraft is a monster of a property. From its massively popular game (more of a toolbox in my opinion) to the tons of merchandise that seems to be everywhere, Minecraft is big money. Still, at its core Minecraft always seemed like a digital version of LEGO’s. Well it seems that LEGO took note as the company is releasing their own Minecraft style game, (now currently available on Steam early access) LEGO Worlds. The game is being headed up by TT Games, creators of all the current LEGO titles.

That is some good news as TT Games have had a lot of success with all the LEGO games they have been pumping out over the past few years. At present LEGO Worlds is a single player only experience, but as the development ramps up online multiplayer implemented by the team. TT Games is also working to put in many of the same features that have come to define Minecraft, no doubt to make the transition for players much easier.
LEGO Worlds

The thing that TT Games is doing to make LEGO Worlds different from Minecraft is how it handles the core gameplay. LEGO Worlds will place a much larger focus on the “creativity” aspect of the experience and downplay any of the survival aspects that Minecraft throws at the player. Still, it’s a bit funny that LEGO is trying to play catchup to a game that is itself essentially based on Lego’s. I just hope we don;t get too much LEGO overload, especially with the impending release of the highly marketed LEGO Dimensions game.

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The following is from the games Steam page description:

Lego Worlds will be a fully open-world, creativity-driven game so we want to ensure that we provide it with the utmost care and attention as we expand on our ideas… So much of this game will be about building and sharing and by sharing our plans with the community, we hope to incorporate their feedback and build an experience together that fans of LEGO and this genre of video games can enjoy. The current plan for LEGO Worlds is to be in Early Access through 2015 at which point we hope to have our full list of features in place. We’ll evaluate a release candidate in early 2016, but we won’t consider the game complete and ready for release until we believe our community feels we have delivered a great game.

Check out some LEGO Worlds gameplay below:

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