Latest Suicide Squad trailer features Superman v Batman implications

Suicide Squad

Suicide Squad is a dark film by its own admission. I mean, you have a team of supervillains that come together to maim, beat, murder, and party, all while saving the world and perhaps themselves.

But even knowing this the film, or at least the trailers for it, seem to be injecting a sort of levity that has been missing from DC’s tentpole superheroes. In fact, their so-called superheroes have shown the super, but failed to delivered the hero.

In the latest trailer for the upcoming Suicide Squad (now in re-shots to add more humor) we get a taste of what brings these people together as a team. And wouldn’t you know it, it has a lot to do with Superman and the assholery (that’s probably a word) that he and his super friends have been causing.

While I can’t be bothered to even fain interest into the new DC movie universe, I am excited for Suicide Squad, even if only because I want to see some actual hero work. It’s a sad state when we are rooting so hard for the badguys to do goodguy things.

Check the trailer out below. Also, and it may just be me, but Harley’s voice just doesn’t have the impact it should for a crazy person.

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