Latest ‘Inferno’ Trailer Asks Viewers To Contact Robert Langdon Via Email

Inferno is upon us! Well, at least the third installment in the Da Vinci Code series that stars Tom Hanks. I loved the first film and quite enjoyed the second one, so this third installment is getting my money. Plus, Tom Hanks is a delight, and it’s fun seeing him in a action role.


What is fun (weird?) is that at the end of the trailer they ask you to send an email to Robert Langdon himself at: [email protected]. We dropped the doctor an email and this was the reply:

Thank you for your email. I’ll be traveling abroad until October 28.

I am currently looking for people interested in helping me with upcoming projects. Kindly visit to sign up and receive additional information.

Thank you,

– RL

The link takes you to a fake profile for Doctor Langdon, but not much else. It’s a very mid 2000’s sort of movie thing. Really wished it would have led to some neat game of hunting down clues online as a sort of prequel to the film.

Inferno opens October 28th.

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