Lamborghini Centenario Xbox One S

Just the other day we talked about Germany and their extremely limited Audi R8 modeled Xbox One S. It was an “interesting” design as they went with turning the console into the front-end of the car. I’m sure a lot of people like the thing, but it just looked all sorts of gaudy to me.

Not to be outdone in the custom Xbox One S wars, Xbox Australia have hot us with their own limited edition model, this one based on the Lamborghini Centenario. This little bugger is darn pretty to look at, mostly because it isn’t just the front-end of a car.

Microsoft spoke on this project stating that:

“Much like the $2 million dollar car that inspired its looks and also features on the cover of Forza Horizon 3, the first and only Lamborghini Centenario Xbox One S is reminiscent of the Italian manufacturer’s striking design and state-of-the-art engineering,” said Microsoft.”

This is the best way to do a design of this nature as it keeps most of the look of the Xbox One S. It looks sleek and smooth, but still gives you that Lamborghini styling. I would not at all mind having one of these. If Xbox Australia want’s to send me a unit I be totally okay with that!

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Like with the German Audi R8 model, this console is limited to Australia. If you are living down under and want to win one all you have to do is buy Forza Horizon 3 from Microsoft’s flagship store store in Sidney’s Pitt St or via their shop online.

The console is currently on display at the Microsoft Store for those that want to check it out in person. For the rest of us, the images I’ve included in this post will have to suffice. Now if only the United States would get its of Forza related Xbox. Maybe they could design a Pontiac Aztek one!

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J. Luis

J. Luis is the current Editor-In-Chief here at GAMbIT. With a background in investigative journalism his work encompasses the pop-culture spectrum here, but he also works in the political spectrum for other organizations.

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