L.A. Funk looks to bring new funktastic flavor to the old-school action arcade genre

Hard Knuckle Games reveal their new trailer for L.A. Funk; a new breed action arcade game for the PC that builds on the classic formulas and takes them into a new dimension. A unique change of angle seamlessly transitions the classic sidescrolling view into intense car chases along Sunset Boulevard. It’s been described as Streets of Rage meets Vice City.

It’s 1980’s Los Angeles, filled with flashing neon’s and retro synth tunes, you are Jack Tatum, here to find out what happened to your journalist fiancé who has mysteriously vanished after stumbling upon something she shouldn’t have. Your journey starts deep in Krips territory where you find yourself stuck in the middle of a gang war.

L.A. Funk Features:

Fight your way through the neighbourhood gangs and shady corporate security firms in sidescrolling beat’em up action that pays homage to the classics. Use a variety of combos and unlock-able finishing moves in combat that’s easy to pick up but difficult to master.

Find and utilise an arsenal of weapons to help whack and shoot your way through difficult situations.

Buy yourself a motorbike and ride off into the synthwave sunset whilst being chased by gangsters or corrupt police. Dodge through traffic and spray your uzi as you head towards the next breadcrumb.

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