Korn Is Geting The In-Game Concert Treatment In AdventureQuest 3D / AdventureQuest Worlds

AdventureQuest 3D

I sat for several minutes trying to think up an anecdote involving Korn. I got nothing, sorry.

Artix Entertainment, the creators of the AdventureQuest line of games as well as a few offshoots had an announcement for their current MMO duo, AdventureQuest 3D and AdventureQuest Worlds. In a similar vein to Fortnite‘s Marshmello concert, they’ll be having one of their own, with blackjack, and hookers and a full event quest to boot. And the band is Korn, and I just remembered that one of my friends’ mom had a Korn sticker on the back window of her car in the early 2000’s.

This isn’t exactly the first time Artix Entertainment has done something with musicians. I kinda recall something involving Voltaire way back when. But per the site page, this is something of a full on collaboration:

Get in the most brutal mosh pit ever… and make video game history! Korn is playing the grand opening of the Battle Concert Arena in the massively multiplayer games, AdventureQuest 3D & AQWorlds. The band will play on stage while you fight monsters, score loot, and hear a new song from Korn’s upcoming album…. THE NOTHING.

To create this AdventureQuest 3D Battle Concert event we converted the band members of Korn into video game characters. Who the heck’s soul did we sell to make this happen!?

We’re taking AdventureQuest 3D’s multiplayer live events to the next level. Starting August 20th, 2019, grab your friends and join fellow players in an unforgettably brutal, monster filled virtual-rock-concert. Don’t forget to pick up all the loot.

VIP Package and Backstage Pass
The event is free for everyone to play. But yeah, there’s a special event pack to optionally buy, too. The special event package includes the Korn-branded items, the Heavy Metal Mosh Pit Armor, exclusive travel forms which let you transform into the new monsters from the show, bonus quests, and more… including a backstage pass so you can get a virtual backstage experience with the virtual band and take a virtual selfie.

Korn Concert Happening in Two Games!
Thanks to a dimensional rift, this event will be happening both AdventureQuest 3D and AdventureQuest Worlds (the 2D one). Join us on opening night, and then replay the event for the next month. Unlike our regular weekly game updates, once this special event is gone… it’s like, gone, gone. Perma rare.

The event starts on August 20th at sundown (EST), and runs for one month.

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Artix says that this is just the first in a series of like events. And given they made an area just for it, I’d believe it. Who knows? They like pirates and shit, maybe Alestorm in the future?

Source: PC Gamer

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