Konami UK Makes Some Snake-Themed Fall Guys


Son, you got a way to fall…

Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout has been a fairly successful release, turning the battle royale genre away from just being really good at the shooty bang bangs. Notably, it remembers that physics are fun, and (intentionally) wonky physics can be really fun in competition.

But a small thing done by Konami UK caught quite a bit of attention over on Twitter. Because they designed their own Fall Guys, and the seem prepared for Tactical Stealth Falling Action:

The responses ranged from the expected positive, to memes:


To the now expected Konami swipes.

Granted, even I can’t exactly fault them for that.

Regardless, a crossover wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. Always something humorous about seeing a serious character faceplant, after all.

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