KONAMI ends AAA console game production after MGSV


It looks as if Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain will be the final AAA game from the studio.

GameBlog.fr is reporting that the publisher is not investing in AAA console games from this point on. This comes on the heels of Fox Engine director Julien Merceron leaving the studio to find greener pastures.

While this news isn’t surprising to many –the company has been placing heavy focus of mobile for some time– it does mean the end of one of the companies that helped define the industry. Sure, we can probably expect to see a mobile port/version of various classic Konami properties in the future, but MGS V marks the swan song for the once loved developer/publisher.

The only major game series that will continue to see console release is the Pro Evolution Soccer series. Not even the legendary Konami code will be enough to save your favorite titles from here on out.


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