Kona Will Be Part of IndieCade @ E3 Showcase


Set in Northern Canada, in 1970, Kona is a surreal interactive tale of mystery, exploration and survival. Chosen among more than 100 applicants to be part of the IndieCade @ E3 Showcase, the game is ready to chill Los Angeles’ biggest gaming show on June 14-16.

Known as “the video game industry’s Sundance”, IndieCade is an international juried festival of independent games. At IndieCade, independent video game developers are selected to screen and promote their work at the annual IndieCade festival and showcase events, including E3 conference in Los Angeles.

For the occasion, Parabole will release a new version of the game, featuring a major change to how the player interacts with the in-game world. Alexandre Fiset, CEO of the indie studio, explains: “Our community on both Steam and GOG.com helped us a lot by providing useful feedback and suggestions. One of their concerns was that combining items felt unintuitive and interactions sometimes were unclear. We listened to their feedback and came up with a better and easier way for players to interact with objects in the game”.

Kona development started two and a-half years ago and is a few months away from full launch. The game is already available in early access on Steam and GOG.com for Windows, Mac and Linux. We have been playing it for some time now through early access and are looking forward to meeting the team and having a char about the games progress next month.

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Early adopters benefit from a 33% discount for Kona and have access to a two-hour demo of the game: “We think that Early Access is a great platform to get the community involved in making our chilly adventure a better and more enjoyable experience. Offering a discount is our way to thank our early supporters for their precious support. All the income generated by early access sales are used to make sure our first game reaches its full potential”.

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