Kojima On Negative Death Stranding Reviews In America: Due To Inherent Love Of Shooters

Death Stranding

I’m sure it has nothing to do with the type of game it is.

So, it seems Death Stranding is one of those love-it-or-hate-it games. You either love the fact that Heartman has never seen The Lord of the Rings, or you hate the fact that much of the game seems to be delivering packages and taking care of a baby. In between Boomer Norman Reedus pounding down a Monster.

Well, Mr. Kojima has come to a conclusion as to the somewhat negative response in America; it’s all ’cause of those shooting games we love.

I must say that the game received rave reviews, especially in Europe and Japan. Here in the United States, however, we have had stronger criticisms. Perhaps it is a difficult game to understand for a certain type of critic and audience. Americans are great fans of first-person shooters and Death Stranding isn’t one, it flies higher.

I always try to create new things and disputes and discussions are fine, but it must be said that the Italians or the French have a different artistic sensibility that allows them to appreciate this kind of very original product, not only in video games but also in cinema.

Hideo Kojima, via Tgcom24

Look, I’m the only person in my (admittedly small) social circle that liked Metal Gear Solid 3 back in the day. I’ve spent the past 20 years dunking on Call of Duty and its groundbreaking features (it’s box wine for gamers). Death Stranding may be a strand game, whatever that means, but, uh, kinda looks a lot like all those walking simulators certain “game journalists” like to me.

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I’m not trying to be an ass; not really (if you want that, there was this time someone was trying to sell a plastic board with a hole for your phone as exercise equipment…). But I will point out my long held belief that a creative getting beyond the point of being told “no” is usually the death of their finest content. Getting an idea shot down is, I feel, oddly valuable to the creative process. Konami handled everything wrong, but Sony sort of wrote him a blank check on this one.

Oh well. Bloodstained is pretty fuckin’ great, so there’s that, right? Good on Iga for escaping the Konami Konflagration and winning the Kickstarter war definitively.

hnnng, shardbinder battle

Source: Prima Games

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